Dragon City Bahrain’s beloved mascot, DiDi, recently brought joy and excitement to the students of Abdul Rahman Kanoo School in Diyar Al Muharraq. This came as part of the school’s Chinese New Year celebration, where DiDi spent a few hours with the students at the school, spreading cheer and happiness.
The students were thrilled to meet DiDi, the friendly and adorable mascot of Dragon City Bahrain, the Kingdom’s largest wholesale and retail trade centre. DiDi brought smiles to the faces of all the children, who eagerly participated in the festivities and activities.
As a special treat, colouring books featuring DiDi were distributed among the students, allowing them to express their creativity and imagination. The activity was a fun and interactive way for the children to learn more about Chinese culture and traditions.
Dragon City Bahrain is committed to actively engaging with the public during various social occasions, including Holy events like Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr, and Eid Al Adha, as well as Bahrain’s national celebrations, Chinese observations, breast cancer awareness month, and more. By participating in these events, Dragon City Bahrain showcases its dedication to supporting and connecting with the community in meaningful and impactful ways.
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